Saturday, October 23, 2010

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Gloomy Weather

It's cold, rainy and yucky outside...these are my most favorite days. There's something about the cold that I  embrace. Don't get me wrong, sunny days are beautiful, but there is a sense of peace and serenity for me during this kind of weather. It's the best time to sit with a cup of coffee and spend time with the Lord.

In the gloomy or sunny times, it's important for me to remember to always praise Him. To remember that in all situations, thank Him. In all situations, worship Him. It never ceases to amaze me how big our Father in Heaven truly is and how even in the small things, He is there.

The weather is gloomy, but right now circumstances are sunny and bright. Thank you, Father, for the many seasons that you allow me to go through. May I be open and mindful to the lessons that you are teaching me and things you are preparing me for. My prayer is that the lessons I learn will be applied to further your Kingdom.

Sigh..gloomy weather = coffee and Jesus. It's a beautiful day!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

When you look in the mirror...

If you pass by a mirror quickly, you can get a quick glimpse of what you look like. You can see in a couple of seconds whether or not your hair is out of place or your outfit is "ok." But, if you stop and stare, you will see that not only is your hair out of place, but you have lipstick on your teeth and a stain on your shirt as well.

Like the mirror to see what I look like physically, the Lord is showing me what my heart looks like on the inside. I've asked the Lord to use me and teach me, to show me what it means to crave peace and choose joy in the midst of any situation. These past 3 weeks, I'm seeing a lot of things about myself that I've never seen before. I'm really examining my heart to see what desires of the flesh are stronger and how to pray more effectively against such things.

Thank you, Lord, for your revelations and your patience and I strive to grow more in You.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Feelings..nothing more than feelings

There are "thinkers" and there are "feelers." I am a feeler. At times I embrace it and other times, I wish I was the other. I embrace it when I can empathize with a friend or with my kids at work.  It is not embraced during the times when "my feelings" are hurt.

God is teaching me that in the end, my feelings don't really matter. In situations when my feelings are hurt, I'm learning that I need to sit back and say to myself, "It's not about me." I need to look at the situation and try to understand why the person is acting this way. The lesson is how I am reacting to them, being a true friend and not letting the current situation cross out years of friendship. 

Right now, the Lord is reminding me that "A friend loves at ALL times."